Air quality news

Ultrafine pollution getting worse, says top scientist
Air Quality News from IQAir, the world leader in air purifiers.

Tailpipe emissions are a common source of ultrafine particle pollution, which is on the rise.
A leading air-quality scientist says air pollution, especially ultrafine particle pollution, is getting worse, not better. Speaking in July to a community gathering in Long Beach, Calif., Dr. John Froines, the director of the Southern California Particle Center, said increasing numbers of ultrafine particles in the air are the result of new technologies that reduce the size of air pollution particles but increase overall pollution. Air quality agencies do not currently measure and report ultrafine particle levels.

Froines, addressing the members of the Long Beach Alliance for Children with Asthma, pointed out that ultrafine particles are in fact the most dangerous particles of all. These microscopic particles, Froines said, “have direct access to intracellular proteins, organelles and DNA which may greatly enhance their toxic potential,” the Contra Costa (Calif.) Times reported.

“There has to be a focus on ultrafines, and it hasn’t happened,” Froines was quoted as saying.

IQAir has been working for years to raise public awareness of the dangers of ultrafine particles. IQAir’s HyperHEPA filtration has been tested and certified to filter 99.5% of all airborne particles, including ultrafine particles. No other manufacturer of air purifiers has submitted its filters to the same rigorous testing. While typical HEPA filters concentrate only on particles 0.3 microns in diameter or larger, even the largest ultrafine particles are only 0.1 microns in diameter. Government regulations for ultrafine particles do not currently exist, though ultrafines represent about 90% of all airborne pollution particles.

The Southern California Particle Center, which Froines heads, was formed to study “the underlying mechanisms that produce the health effects associated with exposure to particulate matter.” The research center is part of the Center for Occupational & Environmental Health at the University of California, Los Angeles. One of its projects employs a modified van equipped with a special HEPA air purifier filtration system to study particle levels and HEPA filter effectiveness on various Los Angeles freeways.

The particle center also works closely with other research universities and with government air quality agencies, including the California Air Resources Board (CARB), which has helped focus public attention on the dangers of ultrafine particles. In 2011 CARB awarded Froines the Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award in recognition of his groundbreaking research in air pollution in California.

This online publication is brought to you by IQAir North America, Inc., based in Santa Fe Springs, Calif. IQAir North America is a member of the Swiss-based IQAir Group that develops, manufactures and markets innovative air purifiers and air quality products for indoor environments around the globe. IQAir is the exclusive educational partner of the American Lung Association for the air purifier industry.

Previous article: Clean air for mom is a key to

Success stories - Esquire house

Since 2003, Esquire Magazine has chosen a select home or condo per year, usually in LA or NY, and turned it into an Esquire House Signature Space. This year, Esquire selected a contemporary home situated in the infamous "Bird Streets" of the Hollywood Hills and outfitted it from top to bottom with the latest sleek and stylish high performance systems. No amenity was overlooked, including the ultimate amenity of perfect air.

Get yours now
In 2006, and again in 2008, Esquire selected IQAir to provide our revolutionary whole-house air purification system the Perfect 16. “They not only wanted to create a house of breathtaking beauty and dimension, they also wanted to create one of America's healthiest homes with state-of-the-art air purification”, says Frank Hammes, President of IQAir North America. They chose the Perfect 16 because it exceeds MERV 16 - the highest level of filtration recognized by the American Society of Heating and Refrigeration Engineers (ASHRAE). The result is that the air in the home is virtually free of dust, pollen, allergens, and other indoor air pollutants.

These projects reflect a new trend in custom home design. “While discriminating homeowners have always been very particular about all visual and comfort aspects of their home, they now also want the best healthy home technology” says Hammes.

Breathing pure, clean air is sure to provide a significant plus for the thousands of people that will attend the various charity events scheduled to be held at the breathtaking hilltop home. And soon, a lucky family will be enjoying a spectacular view as well as reaping the numerous benefits clean air will have on their health.

Success stories- 7 year old with astma

IQAir puts him in control of ast

Consider the case of 7-year-old Matthew.,  in Calif., who went from being a high-risk asthma patient requiring multiple annual ED visits to being a low-risk patient who no longer requires any asthma medications. The difference is his use of an IQAir air purifier.
His mother Crystal says that almost every October and May, before Matthew started using an air purifier, she took him to the hospital when his quick-relief medication wasn't enough to stop an asthma attack. These ED visits and the rescue medications required to treat his attacks placed Matthew squarely in the high-risk category.
His asthma attacks were triggered in the fall and spring, when airborne pollen and other triggers are most abundant. In 2009, he visited his pediatrician to be treated for asthma eight times. He visited the hospital emergency department twice.
In 2010, Crystal took home an IQAir HealthPro Plus stand-alone air purifier. She put the air purification system in Matthew's bedroom and immediately turned it on at its highest setting. That was in September, the beginning of another bad period for Matthew's asthma. It has run continuously since then.
Matthew's breathing improved immediately and dramatically the first night he slept in his bedroom with the IQAir HealthPro Plus running. He has not used his short-acting beta-agonist medication (albuterol) since then, in either nebulizer or canister form. For a period of time, his mother continued to carry the canister, and a canister is maintained at Matthew's school as well.
The impact of the IQAir HealthPro Plus on Matthew's non-drug asthma costs has been equally dramatic. For the first time in his life, he made it through the entire autumn, winter and spring seasons without a single trip to a hospital for an emergency injection. He has not been to the ED since. Obviously, the cost savings are substantial.
It's evident that use of the IQAir HealthPro Plus has had a major impact on the management of Matthew's asthma. Previously he was by definition a high asthma-risk case, and now he is managing his asthma at a very low asthma-risk level, resulting in an improved lifestyle and the elimination of costs on multiple levels.

Healthpro put the test

This video says it all

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